Electoral Committee

Electoral Committee Blog

Our Mission

The electoral committee works to promote our socialist values through supporting various direct actions, policy initiatives, as well as serving as the chapter’s point of contact for candidate endorsements and providing information regarding local conventional governing bodies to our comrades within the chapter.

What we do

  • Endorsing and supporting candidates in their campaigns for elected office
  • Identifying key elections in our area at the city, township, county, state and federal levels
  • Power mapping that seeks to identify areas where our voting/organizing power can be built upon, improved or enhanced
  • Developing and distributing a voter guide to our chapter members and other voters that outlines the candidates’ positions and makes recommendations based upon relative accordance with DSA goals and perspectives
  • Meeting with current office holders to advocate for policies consonant with democratic socialism

Who we work with

The Electoral Committee is involved with elected officials, candidates, ballot petitions, and other groups working to make change through the electoral process.

If you are a candidate seeking endorsement, please fill out our candidate questionnaire, and we will get back to you soon.

Getting Involved

If you have any questions or want to get involved, please fill out this form and we will contact you to discuss next steps. Or, feel free to join our online meetings, which occur every other Monday at 7pm. Check the calendar for the dates.