- Spread the word! Share HVDSA's Welcome brochure here with fellow comrades.
- Access our Community Cork Board here for ways to get involved.
- By-Laws
- Member Handbook
- How-To Guide
- Fill out this form here to add to suggest any local events or literature to add to our Community Cork Board and Leftist Library.
- Solidarity Committee's Lefty Lit & Local Resources (Zines, Brochures, Flyers, Etc.).
Local & National Resources
We're only as strong as our people, who are only as strong as they are collectively resourced and supported. You'll find local Southeast Michigan & general U.S.-based resource guides to meet your clothing, educational, financial assistance, housing, legal, medical, mental health, transportation, utility, etc. needs here.
Disability Resources |
Environmental Resources |
Food Resources |
General Resources |
Health Resources |
Housing Resources
Immigration Resources |
Mutual Aid Resources |
Queer Resources |
Leftist Literature
Event recordings! Guides! Get your lefty literature here!
COMING SOON! You can view past event recordings featuring:
- Intro to DSA
- How to Have 1:1 Organizing Convos
- Theories of Change
Learn how to make your own 8 to 14-pg zines below:
Our collection of zines from these collections & others below:
Organizing 101 |
Disability Justice |
Gender Justice |
Queer Liberation |
Transformative Justice